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High blood pressure is a common condition that’s often symptomless but can have serious complications.
We offer accurate diagnostics and personalised treatment and advice to help you live with greater confidence.
High blood pressure (or hypertension as it's also known) does not generally cause any symptoms and is typically picked up on a routine health check. People can have high blood pressure for an extended period, often years, without realising it, but it can lead to serious cardiac conditions if left untreated.
However, if your blood pressure is very high, you may experience the following signs:
Experiencing these symptoms doesn't necessarily mean you have hypertension as they can be signs of other conditions. It's important to remember that most people with high blood pressure will have no obvious symptoms.
If you're aged 40 or over, you should have your blood pressure regularly checked to lower the risk of serious cardiac conditions such as stroke or heart attack.
If you're concerned about your symptoms or worried you might be experiencing high blood pressure, it's wise to see your GP. We offer same and next day GP appointments for peace of mind at a time to suit you.
If you suddenly experience the signs of very high blood pressure, it's vital to seek emergency treatment by calling 999. These symptoms can also be indicative of other health conditions, some of which are potentially serious. Signs you shouldn't ignore are:
High blood pressure affects more than 1 billion people worldwide and is the most common cause of cardiovascular disease. It happens when blood is pushed against the artery walls at a consistently high force during each heartbeat. The condition and size of the artery walls can also impact blood pressure.
Pressure rises when blood is pumped out of the heart and lowers when the heart is at rest. Your blood pressure increases and decreases during the day. This is normal and blood pressure only becomes an issue if it remains consistently high. Our cardiovascular specialists can help you understand your risk and potential treatment or management options, if needed.
Blood pressure is typically measured using a special monitor. This includes a cuff that you fit around your upper arm and is attached to a machine. The cuff tightens around your arm and detects your measurements which are then shown in the digital display.
The measurements are displayed as two numbers that indicate millimetres of mercury (also shown as mmHg) in the following example format:
120/80 (meaning 120 over 80)
The top number (in this case 120) is the measurement of systolic pressure which is the pressure created when the heart pushes blood around the body. The bottom number (80) is the diastolic pressure, which is the pressure created when the heart is at rest between beats.
Normal blood pressure readings are typically between 90/60 and 120/80. If you have consistent blood pressure readings of 135/85 or above, you might be experiencing hypertension.
People with conditions such as diabetes, heart failure or coronary artery disease should have a lower reading, one that's below 130/80, due to the increased risk of serious complications.
We’ll explain your blood pressure reading in detail to help you understand what it means for your health.
Low blood pressure (hypotension) is when the measurement is 89/59mmHg or below. While measurements can sometimes be below the normal range, very low blood pressure can, in some cases, be a sign of an underlying condition, infection or dehydration. It can also be caused by certain medications.
We care for over 25,000 cardiovascular patients each year and are ranked number one in the UK for private cardiovascular care. If you're concerned about your blood pressure or want a check-up for peace of mind, our specialists can help.
It’s not clear what causes high blood pressure. The majority of people with hypertension display no symptoms and have what is called primary hypertension. This means that there’s no underlying cause of high blood pressure (such as an adrenal tumour or some form of kidney disease).
Secondary hypertension is experienced by a small percentage of people which means there are one or more underlying factors involved. These can include health conditions, certain medications or excessive alcohol usage.
Multiple factors can increase your chances of developing primary high blood pressure, many of which are related to lifestyle:
We can help you understand more about your personal risk.
Untreated, hypertension can lead to serious cardiac disease and even cause:
These cardiac conditions can be severe and, in some cases, can have life-threatening consequences. This makes regular check-ups and effective treatment and management key, which we can provide personalised help with.
Hypertension is often diagnosed during a routine health check. It's recommended that everyone over the age of 40 has their blood pressure checked at least every five years. This can be done for free at your GP surgery, clinics or some pharmacies.
If you have signs of consistently high blood pressure you might be referred for extra tests to monitor the measurements over a longer period. If needed, we’ll discuss the most relevant options with you so you know what to expect.
This is a simple test that gives you a reading of your blood pressure at that specific time. You'll be asked to sit down on a chair with back support and have your legs uncrossed before your blood pressure is taken.
Your consultant will usually use an automatic digital device with a sensor to measure your blood pressure (oscillatory device). You might need to roll up your sleeve or remove any long-sleeved clothing so they can access your upper arm.
A cuff is then attached to the upper arm and inflated above an individual's systolic pressure. Vibrations through the arteries are detected by the device and converted into a measurement. The result will be available immediately on the digital display.
If your blood pressure reading has been recorded as high during a GP or clinic appointment, you might be asked to return to repeat the test. If this still shows an elevated measurement, you might be asked to use an at-home blood pressure monitor and record the measurements twice a day over a period.
An ambulatory blood pressure monitor automatically records blood pressure measurements multiple times a day over 24 hours.
You'll need to wear a cuff on your upper arm and a box around your waist. You will usually feel the cuff inflate every half an hour throughout the day and every hour at night. It's fine to continue with your usual activities during this time, although it's recommended not to drive other than to and from the appointment.
You will usually return the device to the clinic after you've completed the test, where your results will be downloaded and reviewed by a GP or specialist. These results will highlight any specific times of activity or rest that result in periods of hypertension. This can help your doctor establish an accurate diagnosis and give an indication of any potential underlying factors.
If you receive a high blood pressure diagnosis, your consultant will comprehensively assess your future risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, heart attack or kidney failure.
Depending on other symptoms you may be experiencing, your medical history and your specific blood pressure readings, your consultant might recommend further tests to diagnose or rule out any other cardiac condition. These might include:
We provide over 25,000 ECGs and more than 20,000 echocardiograms each year across our network. If you have concerns about high blood pressure, you can quickly access the right diagnostics for you, with results available within two business days after completing your test.
Depending on the severity of your high blood pressure and your overall health, you might be offered advice on making lifestyle changes or hypertension medication and/or treatment for any underlying conditions.
In some cases, your consultant might recommend making healthy lifestyle changes such as:
Often, these steps will be advised alongside other treatments.
Your consultant might prescribe medication to treat hypertension which could include one of the following (or a combination of):
Occasionally, medication for hypertension might not work effectively. If this happens, it might be recommended that you have Endovascular Renal denervation (RDN).
This is a minimally invasive procedure where a thin tube (a catheter) is inserted into the groin. Pulses are then passed through the tube to remove nerves in the renal artery wall near the kidney. With reduced overactivity in the renal artery, blood pressure is lowered.
If you're experiencing high blood pressure, our cardiovascular specialists will recommend the most effective treatment options for you. We consistently deliver better outcomes, with 99% of our cardiovascular patients saying they would recommend our consultants to family or friends.
Our cardiovascular experts specialise in high blood pressure and related conditions. If you're concerned about your blood pressure or are diagnosed with hypertension, our team can provide the highest quality of care and treatment.
View expert profiles with our consultant finder and book an appointment directly with your chosen specialist. We can also connect you with an expert in blood pressure conditions when you request an appointment.
If you're recommended treatment for hypertension, there are a variety of payment options.
Your care might be covered by your private medical insurance. It’s worth checking your coverage and mentioning HCA UK as your preferred provider, along with a chosen consultant if you have one.
Alternatively, you can choose to self-pay using your preferred method. You'll get an upfront quote detailing the price of your treatment so you know exactly what the costs will be.
Whether you want an initial consultation, monitoring or diagnostics, our team can make you an appointment with one of our expert cardiovascular specialists.
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.