CaRi-heart technology
Revolutionary new technology to assess the risk of a serious heart condition or heart attack – many years before anything happens.
We recognise that waiting for tests, scans or other diagnostic tests, and their results, is a worrying time. At HCA Healthcare UK you will have rapid access to the latest and most advanced diagnostic technologies and techniques, to provide you with an accurate diagnosis without delay.
If you are diagnosed with cancer, you will have immediate access to a world-leading team of cancer experts, who will recommend a personalised treatment and care plan based on your individual needs.
We know how worrying breast cancer symptoms can be, that’s why our one-stop breast clinics are designed to get you the expert answers you need without delay.
If you are experiencing symptoms of breast cancer or an irregularity has been identified through routine screening, our one-stop breast clinics can provide all your initial diagnostic tests in a single appointment, and you’ll get the results on the same day. If you do need any additional tests, we can usually carry these out during your visit.
We understand you might feel apprehensive about addressing your symptoms, but we want to reassure you that our team of experts are here to support and guide you.
With several convenient locations to choose from, you can access an HCA UK One-Stop Breast Clinic in London, Manchester & Birmingham. Your GP can refer you to our one stop breast clinics or in some cases you can make a self-referral.
Miss Joanna Franks, Consultant Breast & Oncoplastic Surgeon, explains what you can expect from one our clinics.
For some people surgery is the only treatment required, but for others it may be part of a wider treatment plan including chemotherapy or other anti-cancer drugs, radiotherapy or a clinical trial.
At HCA Healthcare UK, our multidisciplinary team (MDT) of breast cancer experts come together to discuss your individual diagnosis. They’ll consider all the different treatments options and make a recommendation on the best treatment plan for you. Your consultant will discuss this treatment plan with you and along with your Clinical Nurse Specialist they can answer any questions you may have before your treatment begins.
If your biopsy confirms a cancer diagnosis, further tests and scans may be required to confirm the size and stage of the cancer. Your consultant will discuss these tests with you, your medical team can answer any questions you may have, and they can make arrangements for these tests to take place. A Clinical Nurse Specialist will be available to support you throughout your treatment with us.
Miss Joanna Franks, Chair of the Breast Board at HCA Healthcare UK and Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon at The Wellington Hospital shares her thoughts on what patients should expect after receiving a diagnosis, and how the care you receive should be personalised.
"Getting an early diagnosis is absolutely key for increasing your chances of survival, so I recommend to all my male friends that whilst they are checking for testicular cancer, it only takes another few seconds to check your breasts.”
Following a GP appointment and referral to a consultant for tests, Peter was told he had early stage breast cancer – a thought which had not crossed his mind being a man. Peter shares his experience of being diagnosed with male breast cancer, and encourages all men to check their breasts regularly.
If you have been diagnosed with cancer, whether or not you have started treatment, a second opinion can give you reassurance and peace of mind.
Our second opinion service is led by expert consultants. They will provide a comprehensive review of your current and past medical history, to identify the best treatment options for you. This review may identify new treatment options or simply confirm you are already receiving the best treatment. Either way it can help you make an informed decision about what is best for you.
We offer a second opinion service in London, Birmingham and Manchester, covering a wide range of specialities.