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While it's possible to live with a slipped disc and not realise it, many people experience painful and uncomfortable symptoms. We can quickly diagnose a slipped disc and effectively treat the pain and symptoms that are holding you back.
At HCA UK we offer:
The human body contains 23 discs between each of the vertebrae in the spine. The tough outer part called the annulus fibrosus is made of collagen fibres. This sits around a softer core, known as the nucleus pulposus. The gel-like core aids the spine's mobility while also acting as a shock absorber – for example, taking some of the impact away from when we jump or run. Discs are primarily composed of water, so hydration is key to them functioning properly and remaining healthy.
Discs are categorised as sitting between the vertebrae, which are assigned letters and numbers depending on where in the spine they are. For example, the fourth vertebra in the lumbar spine would be L4; the disc between it and the fifth lumbar vertebra would be referred to as the L4-L5 disc.
The vertebrae and discs in the spine are categorised by their location:
The discs in the spine typically begin to degenerate at a surprisingly early age in many people. It's not uncommon for this process to begin in our 20s. The tough outer part of the disc is most affected by degeneration. It loses its elasticity and strength, so it can bulge or even tear when put under strain.
This process may go completely unnoticed in some people, but if the slipped disc presses on a nerve in the spine, it's likely to cause pain in the back and legs among other symptoms. Types of slipped disc include:
The symptoms of a slipped disc may also be referred to as sciatica when it presses on nerves in the lower back and causes leg pain.
Discs degenerate naturally throughout our lifetimes and it's extremely unlikely that anyone approaching their 50s or 60s will not have some kind of wear and tear to their discs – whether they experience symptoms or not. Some factors that may lead to an increased risk of a slipped disc, or more intense symptoms, include:
Symptoms of a slipped disc
If a period of rest and conservative treatment has not provided slipped disc relief, our spinal consultants can diagnose your condition – whether it is, in fact, a herniated disc or another issue – and suggest a course of treatment to help you.
Unexplainable tingling and pain in your arms or legs could be a sign of a herniated disc that requires treatment, as can a struggle to stand or walk. Other signs that you might seek help for include a loss of bladder or bowel control; in rare cases, this can be caused by a slipped disc.
Back pain can be caused by a slipped disc. In cases of immobility or severe back pain, emergency treatment at A&E will be the first point of medical help.
If you experience a numb feeling in your genitals, weakness in both legs and loss of bladder and bowel control, you should call 999 or go to A&E right away. These are signs of a rare but serious condition known as cauda equina syndrome. This occurs when the nerves in your lower back become suddenly and severely compressed, requiring emergency treatment.
A consultant will go through your medical history to check for contributing factors such as ageing, exercise regime, smoking, obesity and heavy lifting. They'll also conduct a physical examination, in which your spine will be gently manipulated into different positions and you'll be asked to report how it feels.
Tests such as X-rays, CT scans and MRI scans can help to rule out other conditions as well as pinpoint the affected disc.
A discography may also be recommended to ascertain any damage that you have done to your discs. This involves injecting a dye, visible under X-ray, into your disc to see if and how it moves. If you require a discography, you'll be sedated during it.
The vast majority of people with a slipped disc can treat their symptoms with very minor medical intervention – sometimes even none at all.
If your herniated disc becomes very painful and does not respond to non-operative treatment, you may need surgery. In most cases, a portion of the disc is removed with a procedure called a discectomy. Surgery to treat a slipped disc typically involves at least one of the following procedures:
When a discectomy is performed in the neck, it's almost always accompanied by the insertion of a cage or artificial disc replacement. In both the neck and lower back, additional metalwork may need to be inserted to give greater stability. Surgery to repair a slipped disc can be done via endoscopy (keyhole surgery), with a small incision made in your back to allow a small camera and specialised surgical equipment to access the affected area.
We were the first private hospital group in the UK to offer endoscopic spinal surgery. Benefits of keyhole spinal surgery include reduced pain and quicker recovery times.
If you choose to undergo any form of disc surgery, you'll be recommended a bespoke programme of post-operative physiotherapy exercises to restore motion in your spine and relieve stiffness.
Exercises that involve exaggerating the curvature of the spine can provide relief from the symptoms of a slipped disc. A physiotherapist can advise on the best exercises to help your condition.
You should stop any of these exercises if they cause you discomfort. Walking is another simple way of relieving slipped disc pain as it promotes good posture and works your muscles in a non-strenuous way.
Without any medical intervention, many people see symptoms of a slipped disc ease within six weeks given a period of rest and modified activity. An exact time frame will depend on many factors such as the severity of your herniated disc, any underlying health conditions, and your lifestyle.
Recovery times following surgery for a slipped disc also vary. People who undergo endoscopic procedures can often go home the same day as their procedure and typically recover within a few weeks.
Those who have open surgery tend to remain in hospital for 1-2 days after the operation and face slightly longer recovery times as the surgery site and affected area heal.
Most people who have a slipped disc will either feel no symptoms at all or notice symptoms easing with little to no medical help. Many people simply won't know when they have a slipped disc, as long as it's not interfering with the nerves in the spinal column.
In cases of persistent and severe symptoms of a slipped disc, you should seek diagnosis and treatment from a specialist, such as the spinal consultants at HCA UK.
Depending on the type of surgery and the nature of your work, you may be able to return to work in just a few weeks or it may take several months to return to full duties.
Those who undergo keyhole surgery and work in sedentary settings such as an office will face the shortest timescales. But if open surgery is involved or you work in a labour-intensive industry, it may take much longer to get back to your everyday activities.
Driving or riding in a car can often exacerbate symptoms of a slipped disc due to the position you have to remain in, sometimes for long periods. If you're having conservative treatment for a slipped disc, you may be recommended to alter how much you drive or take car journeys as you recover.
If you have surgery to repair a slipped disc, you won't be able to drive for a period after the operation to give your body sufficient time to heal. Your consultant will be able to advise you on when it may be suitable for you to drive again.
Bulging, herniated and prolapsed discs are common conditions and there are a range of treatment options to help you live pain-free and without restriction. Get in touch with us today to book a consultation. We'll match you with an expert in slipped disc treatment and can also talk you through your payment options.
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.