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Pericarditis is the inflammation of the protective lining around the heart. It can cause severe chest pain and discomfort.
If you're experiencing symptoms of pericarditis, our cardiac specialists can provide fast diagnostics and effective treatment.
Pericarditis occurs when the lining of the heart becomes inflamed. It's not a serious concern, but it can cause several health complications if not recognised early. If you develop pericarditis, you may notice some or all of the following:
The symptoms you experience will depend on the type of pericarditis condition you have. Many of these symptoms are similar to other heart conditions, so it's important to see a cardiac consultant so you receive the right treatment if necessary.
You should seek urgent advice if you start to feel sharp or stabbing chest pain that worsens when you take deep breaths, cough, swallow or lie down. Contact your doctor as soon as possible or book an appointment with one of our pericarditis specialists. We also offer a private GP service with same-day appointments available.
Some symptoms that feel like signs of pericarditis could quickly become dangerous health issues. You should call emergency services immediately if you experience chest pain that:
Pericarditis refers to the inflammation of the protective fluid-filled sac around the heart, known as the pericardium. This condition can cause sharp chest pain when the irritated layers of the heart's lining rub against each other.
Although not normally serious, it can be alarming and potentially lead to complications.
It can be difficult to confirm the exact cause of pericarditis, but it usually occurs following a viral infection, such as a cold or flu. Inflammation of areas such as the pericardium is one of your body's instinctive reactions to fight off such infections.
Pericarditis is usually mild and goes away without treatment. Anyone can suffer from pericarditis, even those who are active and in good health. Seeking early diagnosis can help reduce the risk of long-term health issues and you’ll be in the best hands if you seek a swift diagnosis with HCA UK.
Pericarditis and myocarditis are both conditions that involve heart inflammation. Pericarditis affects the pericardium, whereas myocarditis affects the heart muscle.
Both conditions are commonly caused by viral infections and some people may experience both at the same time. This is known as myopericarditis.
As the UK's leader for private cardiac care, we treat more cases each year than any other provider. If you have symptoms or concerns, we'll confirm an appointment with one of our cardiac specialists within 24 hours of your enquiry.
You'll typically experience different symptoms depending on the type of pericarditis you have. It's important to receive the correct diagnosis for pericarditis so a cardiologist can understand the severity of the condition and provide the most effective treatment. The condition is grouped into these categories:
While pericarditis signs usually arise following an infection, such as cold, flu, or COVID-19, the condition could also be a direct cause of:
Not understanding the cause of cardiac conditions can be frustrating and difficult to live with. That's why it's so important to make an appointment as soon as possible to determine the reasons for your pericarditis pain.
Early diagnosis and treatment for pericarditis can significantly reduce the risk of further health complications. However, you may be exposed to the following risks as a result of the condition:
A diagnosis of pericarditis will require a specialist to listen to your heart as the condition can change its overall sound. To confirm pericarditis, a cardiologist may:
These tests are common and usually last a few minutes. Most people don't feel any pain or discomfort during them. If you visit any of our diagnostic centres, you'll receive your test results within 48 hours.
If you've received a diagnosis of pericarditis chest pain, your consultant will discuss your results in further detail. You'll also be advised of any pericarditis treatments you may require.
You'll get full peace of mind with access to our advanced diagnostics and quick results, ensuring you receive prompt treatment of pericarditis, if necessary. We provide 25,000 ECGs and over 20,000 echocardiograms per year across our comprehensive network of clinics.
There are several types of treatment for pericarditis, depending on the cause and severity of your condition. You'll typically be prescribed anti-inflammatory painkillers, such as ibuprofen, for one or two weeks to help ease the pain symptoms. However, if the condition persists, you may be given stronger medication or require surgery.
If symptoms continue to worsen or your condition has caused fluid buildup around the heart, you may need to undergo surgery or other procedures to drain this fluid. These include:
Most people recover from pericarditis within weeks. If you have chronic pericarditis, our consultants can help you manage it. We treat more cases than any other private provider, having carried out 2,100 cardiac surgeries between 2021 and 2023.
There are no specific prevention methods for pericarditis. However, there are some simple steps to avoid the likelihood of getting an infection and reduce the risk of heart inflammation. These include:
We have cardiologists specialising in the diagnosis, treatment and management of pericarditis. Our cardiac centres offer excellent support to our cardiologists and cardiac surgeons, ensuring our patients receive the very best care.
Our pericarditis specialists will ensure that tests and diagnostic procedures are carried out in relation to your symptoms to diagnose and treat your condition. Use our consultant finder to view their profiles, read up on their expertise, and book an appointment with them directly.
We offer a range of options when it comes to paying for your care. Your pericarditis treatment might be covered by your private medical insurance. In which case, you should speak to your insurer to discuss your options and check whether you can make HCA UK your preferred provider.
Alternatively, you can choose to pay privately. You'll receive a clear and transparent quote for your treatment, including any additional charges.
If you've experienced symptoms of pericarditis, our team can help with any enquiries. You can make an appointment with one of our experienced consultants to better understand your heart health.
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.