Breathing muscle strength test
HCA UK uses MIP (maximal inspiratory pressure) and MEP (maximal expiratory pressure) to test respiratory muscle strength
What is a breathing muscle strength test?
If you have trouble breathing, HCA UK has the facilities to offer a variety of tests to assess the strength of your respiratory muscles.
- MIP (maximal inspiratory pressure) to assess the strength of your muscles as you breath in.
- MEP (maximal expiratory pressure) to assess the strength of your muscles as you breath out.
- A spirometer a simple test instrument used to help diagnose and monitor certain lung conditions by measuring how much air you can breathe out in one forced breath.
- A monitor to help assess the pressure of air coming in and out of your nose as you breathe.
Need to know
Your respiratory specialist will tell you how to breathe when testing. To measure the strength of the muscles that help you breathe in, you will be asked to breathe out as long as you can and then suck hard on a mouthpiece for at least one second.
This will tell us your maximum inspiratory pressure. To check how strong the muscles are that help you breathe out, you’ll be asked to breathe in deeply first and then blow out as hard as you can into a mouthpiece. This is to tell us your maximum expiratory pressure. To assess your nose pressure, a small probe will be placed to block one of your nostrils. It measures the pressure while you sniff as hard as you can.
Your consultant will tell you how you should prepare for your breathing tests. As a guide, on the day of your test, you should:
- continue with any prescribed inhalers or nebulisers, unless instructed not to do so by your doctor
- avoid smoking, alcohol and vigorous exercise
- not wear tight-fitting clothing which restricts your ability to breathe freely
- not eat a big meal
- bring any inhalers or medication with you
Our Breathing muscle strength test locations
London Bridge Hospital
The Harley Street Clinic
The Shard Outpatients
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.