Rectocele repair


A rectocele is a when a prolapse (bulge) appears between your back passage and vagina

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What is a vaginal prolapse?

A rectocele is a type of vaginal prolapse (organ bulge). It happens when the thin wall of tissue between your back passage and rectum (known as the posterior vaginal wall) weakens and then bulges out. This weakening can be brought on by childbirth and other processes that put pressure on your pelvic area.

If the resulting prolapse (bulge) is small then you might not experience any symptoms. If the prolapse is large and protrudes outside your vagina, it can be extremely painful and affect your bowel movements. If this happens, we can help by carrying out rectocele repair surgery.

Need to know

Your gynacologist will repair the rectocele by removing the excess, stretched tissues that have caused the bulge. The procedure is done under general anaesthetic.
You may need to have an enema prior to the procedure to empty your bowel. As the procedure will be done under general anaesthetic, you may also need to limit your food and drink intake beforehand.

Your consultant or nurse specialist will explain this and any other preparations you'll need to take. They'll also explain the procedure itself, as well as any risks or side effects involved.
Your consultant or nurse specialist will explain what happens after the procedure. They'll also know when you can get back to your usual routine.

Our {{EntityName}} locations

London Bridge Hospital

London Bridge Hospital

27 Tooley Street SE1 2PR London
The Princess Grace Hospital

The Princess Grace Hospital

42-52 Nottingham Place W1U 5NY London
The Shard Outpatients

The Shard Outpatients

The Shard, 32 St Thomas Street SE1 9BS London

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This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.