Craniosynostosis repair
The surgery releases fused skull bones so that your child's skull forms properly
What is a craniosynostosis repair?
This surgical procedure corrects craniosynostosis, which is a condition where the plates of a newborn baby's skull fuse too early or in an abnormal way. The surgery remodels the shape of the skull to alter the abnormal growth pattern.
This procedure is carried out before the baby's first birthday, while the skull bones are still pliable.
Need to know
The operation is carried out under general anaesthetic, so your baby will be asleep throughout.
Two small incisions will be made in your baby's skin to access their skull. The fused bones will then be released so they can move and grow. This will also allow your baby's skull to remodel. The area will then be closed with sutures.
Our Craniosynostosis repair locations
The Wilmslow Hospital
The Harley Street Clinic
Patient stories
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.