Xochi’s cancer treatment

When Xochi was told her rare form of cancer couldn't be treated in the US, she came to the UK for specialised treatment at The Wellington Hospital

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“I feel truly blessed to have found this successful and effective treatment and I can’t thank Professor Caplin enough.”


Xochis PRRT treatment

Xochi has been fighting a rare form of cancer, called neuroendocrine tumour (NET) or carcinoid tumour, since 1999. Her doctors in the US recommended chemotherapy and radiation treatment. But after asking if it would work and being told it was uncertain, Xochi decided to look at other types of treatment. 

Xochi's experience

That question began her 16-year journey to find treatments that would help her, including traditional medicine, alternative therapies, painting and her positive attitude. But in 2015 the cancer became very aggressive and spread to almost every bone in her body. Within a month, she'd lost almost 15kg. Xochi went to see her doctor and was told there was nothing in the US that could help her but there was an effective treatment that had been used in London and parts of Europe for over a decade.

This special tumour-targeted treatment is called Peptide Receptor Radiotargeted Therapy (PRRT). PRRT contains a radioactive isotope which is attached to a chemical called octreotide. This binds to a cancer cell, gets absorbed into it and kills the cell. Her doctor got in touch with Professor Martyn Caplin, Consultant Gastroenterologist and Tumour Neuroendocrinology specialist, at The Wellington NET Unit.

Soon after, Xochi and her husband flew to London for her first PRRT treatment. She was so weak by this time that she could barely walk to the plane. The day after she arrived, she had her first treatment.

'I couldn't believe it. It was nothing short of a miracle. Almost instantly my energy started coming back and I felt so much better. 'We walked out of The Wellington Hospital and we walked to the famous Abbey Road. I walked back and forth across the crossing and then started to dance in the middle. I felt so alive!'

Xochi has completed two of four treatments. She's put on weight and the chronic pain she had has reduced. 'I'd recommend anyone with the same condition as me to visit Professor Caplin. The Wellington is great, with wonderful attentive staff to help you throughout your treatment.'

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This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.