Chaplaincy and spiritual care

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At HCA Hospitals, we offer the highest standards of holistic care to give you as much support as you need. All our patients and their relatives, carers and friends have access to trained, accredited, multi-faith healthcare chaplains who provide support to those of all faiths and beliefs, whether religious or non-religious.

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Spiritual care

The Chaplains provide a 24-hour, seven days a week generic service. You are welcome to contact a chaplain for any reason, and at any time, during your care. A chaplain’s visit can simply be an opportunity for a friendly chat, or they can include reading from holy books, prayer and anointing, Holy Communion or other sacraments and rituals. There is no charge for this confidential visit. Please speak to any member of our nursing staff and they will make arrangements for you.

The chaplains make regular ward visits in all our hospitals and are available to staff, patients and visitors alike. The chaplaincy team represents all major faiths and will happily contact representatives of other faiths at your request. 

For further information contact HCA Spiritual Care/Chaplaincy Lead on 07889318764.

Annual service of thanksgiving and remembrance

Services are held each year to remember patients who have died in HCA hospitals, or who have passed away in the community having been previously treated in HCA Hospitals.

Their family and friends are invited by a letter from the HCA lead chaplain to attend the service. You will usually receive the letter at least six weeks before the service, 12 months after your loved one has died.

If you wish to attend a service sooner or would like any further information please email

If you do not wish to be invited please email or phone 07889 318 764 and leave a message including the name of your relative or friend.