Professor George Ikkos is a Consultant Psychiatrist, Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPSych), and former President of the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) Psychiatry and Pain Medicine Sections. He has received a National Clinical Excellence Award and a Local Staff Excellence Award for his dedication and commitment to service users. George has a wealth of experience in treating patients with stress-related, anxiety, and mood disorders, such as Panic Attacks, OCD, PTSD, and Unipolar and Bipolar Depression. He also specializes in the psychiatry of chronic pain, illness anxiety, and medically unexplained physical symptoms. Combining treatment with medication and psychotherapy as required, he works with a small and trusted network of experienced psychology colleagues for highly specialist psychological treatments when needed. He has served as a Medical Assessor for the General Medical Council and was previously an examiner, Chair of the London Division, and Honorary Treasurer of the Royal College of Psychiatrists; external examiner at Imperial College School of Medicine; and psychotherapy supervisor and training coordinator at Charing Cross General Professional Training Scheme in Psychiatry Northern Sector. He is the author of approximately 100 peer-reviewed and professional papers on psychiatry, including topics on psychiatric professionalism and ethics, and the psychiatry of chronic pain, spinal cord injury, and other medical conditions.