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Obstetrics & Gynaecology
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Miss Theresa Freeman-Wang is a dedicated consultant gynaecologist with specialist interests in cervical screening, colposcopy, lower genital tract pre-malignancy (including perianal and anal disease), vulval disorders, menstrual problems, menopause, and post-menopausal bleeding. She takes a multi-disciplinary approach to patient care and works as a team with other health professionals in order to treat conditions effectively.
Miss Freeman-Wang graduated from Bristol Medical School in 1989 having taken elective training in obstetrics and gynaecology at Harvard Medical University and Shanghai Medical University. In 1991, she joined the Royal Free Hospital as a senior house officer where she later became a registrar and research fellow. It was here that Miss Freeman-Wang completed research assessing women’s anxiety associated with cervical pre-malignancy treatment, and she was awarded the BMA TP Gunton Research Award for her work.
In 2002, Miss Freeman-Wang joined the Whittington Hospital. She is the lead clinician for the colposcopy and vulval services, runs a multizonal clinic for the managment of women with premalignant changes of the lower genital tract, and deputises for the gynaecology oncology unit lead. She has also spent time as the clinical director for women and children's health. She set up and chaired the Colposcopy Users Group at Portland Hospital between 2012 -2021. She has been a professional adviser and director for cervical screening across London.
Miss Freeman-Wang is currently the President of the BSCCP and Secretary-General of the International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy. She is also Vice Chair of the National Advisory Committee for cervical screening and a member of the NHS colposcopy clinical group.
Her other clinical interests are the management of vulval disorders including vulvodynia. She is a member of the International Society for the study of vulvovaginal disease and a member of the British Menopause Society.
In her spare time she enjoys art and medical history, theatre and boxercise. Although not a practitioner, she is also learning more about western and chinese herbal medicine.
General Medical Council: 3330742
205 – 209 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 5AH
New appointment: £225
Follow-up appointment: £200
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