Dr. Raffi Kaprielian is a Consultant Cardiologist based in London, UK. He was appointed as a Consultant Cardiologist in 2002. Dr. Kaprielian completed his basic medical training at Trinity College, Oxford, and his clinical medical training at Guy's Medical School (UMDS), University of London. He has a specialist interest in ischaemic heart disease and is a high-volume operator in cardiac catheterisation and coronary angioplasty/stenting procedures. He also implants cardiac pacemakers and rhythm monitoring devices. His other interests include cardiac imaging, specialist echocardiography, and cardiac CT scanning. Dr. Kaprielian led the introduction and development of direct (immediate) angioplasty for patients suffering acute ST elevation MI and developed day case transfer of patients with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes to shorten inpatient waits. His expertise includes preventive cardiology, assessment of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and cardiac risk, coronary angioplasty and stenting, pacemakers and implantable defibrillators, echocardiography, general adult cardiology, ischaemic heart disease, biventricular pacing and heart failure, acute coronary syndromes, and cardiac risk factor management.