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Whilst spinal fractures will cause pain and restrict your mobility, the most severe cases may leave a patient with irreversible, life-changing consequences. Our spinal specialists provide expert advice, precise diagnosis and effective fractured spine treatment.
At HCA UK's leading private facilities:
A spinal fracture is a clinical term used to describe the breaking and/or dislocation of any of the group of small bones in your back, known as the vertebrae. Your spinal column consists of 33 vertebra, all of which protect the spinal cord, support the weight of your head and body, and allow flexible movement.
The severity and consequences of a fractured spine can vary significantly depending on the type of fracture, the spinal segment impacted, and if any damage has been done to the spinal cord. Less severe cases can be treated often without the need for surgery.
The significance of the spinal cord, which runs through the spinal canal of each vertebra, makes the potential consequences of any break or fracture serious. Your spinal cord is a long tube of tissue containing nerves and cells and is primarily responsible for your motor function (how you move, sense and react). It connects your brain to your lower back through the nervous system. A vertebral fracture or dislocation can pinch, compress and even tear your spinal cord and nerves, so always seek expert medical attention and spinal fracture treatment as soon as possible.
Anyone can suffer a fractured spine, just like any bone fracture or break. They're most commonly caused by traumatic events such as traffic collisions, sports injuries and falls from a height, all of which exert significant forces on your body and musculoskeletal system. The spine and vertebrae are flexible and can usually withstand the impacts of daily life, but the sudden and often extreme forces involved in a traumatic event can overload your spinal column. This can cause single or multiple fractures along your backbone. Dislocations can be independent of or connected to fractures and occur when the discs or ligaments connecting two vertebra are torn or stretched.
However, traumatic events aren't the only cause of spinal fractures. Other health conditions can leave your vertebrae more susceptible to breaks due to deteriorating bone density and strength over time. The most common include:
Different types of fractures can develop in any of the vertebra along your spine, while dislocations occur between vertebra. Identifying which type of spinal fracture you've suffered allows consultants to assess the injury's severity, evaluate the risks and suggest the most effective treatment.
Your spinal column consists of three different sections, as well as five sacral and four coccyx bones which make up the rest of the 33 vertebrae. A spinal fracture can occur in any of the segments, including:
As well as the location, the type of fracture can determine the severity of a spine injury. The most common include:
There's an important distinction to be made between stable and unstable spinal fractures. Your consultant will use this as another way to classify and assess your injuries, as well as to recommend the most effective treatment for your condition.
A stable fracture is less serious because the structure of your spinal column hasn't been fundamentally changed, despite a fracture somewhere along the vertebrae. You'll still need treatment, but the need for spine surgery is less likely.
An unstable fracture carries greater risk because the vertebrae has been dislodged from its natural alignment and poses a greater threat to your spinal cord and the structure of your backbone. Spine surgery is more likely to be needed for an unstable fracture because the damage is more severe and the ongoing risks of nerve damage and paralysis are higher.
Spinal fracture symptoms can depend massively on the type, severity and location of the injury. Some people don't notice they have a compression fracture which has developed gradually over time.
The symptoms associated with burst and chance fractures are usually more serious and quicker to develop. You may experience any of the following fractured spine symptoms:
If you start noticing spinal fracture symptoms in the aftermath of a traumatic event, such as a car accident or sports injury, or if you suffer from osteoporosis, book an appointment with an orthopaedic spinal specialist. They will give an accurate diagnosis and if required will find the most effective treatment for a fractured spine.
Surgery may not be required, so an expert consultant can recommend methods to treat and manage spinal fracture pain which could heal naturally. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen are commonly used to manage pain and symptoms until another treatment is provided or to encourage the fracture to heal naturally.
During an appointment with a specialist consultant, you'll be asked to share your symptoms and discuss any changes you've noticed in your posture, strength or mobility. They'll also ask you about any pain or nerve damage symptoms you're experiencing. A physical examination may help to reveal key areas of your spine to focus on, but imaging tests are usually needed to confirm a spinal fracture.
If you have osteoporosis or recently experienced trauma (for example, in a car accident), this information will help the consultant get a better sense of the cause behind your spinal fracture pain. If you were taken into emergency care after a traumatic accident, a fractured spine may have been diagnosed by medical staff there and then.
The imaging tests most commonly used to diagnose spinal fractures are X-rays, MRI scans and CT scans. You may also need a bone density (DEXA) scan if you're at risk of osteoporosis. One or a combination of these tests will allow your consultant to assess the severity and type of fracture you've suffered, before recommending the most effective spinal fracture treatment.
The most effective treatment for a spinal fracture depends on what caused it, which type you've suffered and where along your backbone the fracture occurred. The more severe your spine injury or trauma, the higher the likelihood you'll need surgery.
Many less severe spinal fractures don't require surgery and can heal naturally over time. The most common treatments to aid this process are:
Surgery may be required for more serious cases, particularly where there's a risk of damaging your spinal cord. For osteoporotic compression fractures, the two most common spinal surgeries are:
Both kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty are minimally invasive surgeries to reduce tissue damage, blood loss and operating times. Your consultant will explain the procedure beforehand, including whether you'll be under general or local anaesthetic. After the surgery, you may need to lie flat for a few hours, but you should be able to go home on the same day. The cuts should heal within a week but you'll have to avoid intense exercise or heavy lifting for up to six weeks.
For unstable and more severe burst or chance fractures, minimally invasive procedures may not be suitable. This is because of the damage caused by your injuries and the pressing risk to your spinal cord. Your spinal surgery consultant may recommend a more conventional open operation instead.
This may involve the fusion of vertebrae, where two bones are held together with a bone graft using plates, rods and screws. This should restore spinal stability by creating one connected piece of bone, although this can take several months to years to fuse sufficiently.
If your fracture was caused by a cancerous or benign spinal tumour, you may need initial treatment to remove it before other treatment can take place.
We understand a spinal fracture can have a significant impact on your quality of life and may even lead to life-changing circumstances if you don't receive the right treatment. Get more information on accurate diagnosis, treatment and pain management by booking an appointment with one of HCA UK's specialist spinal consultants today.
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.