Nerve pain

Nerve pain (Neuralgia or neuropathic pain) due to compression or constriction can be due to previous traumas or even surgeries.

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Spinal and peripheral nerve

About nerve pain

Nerves branch out from the spinal cord to other parts of your body. These enable messages to travel from your brain to other parts of your body; it's down to this that we're able to run and walk.

The nerves in your back carry messages about sensations and muscle controls to your brain. When these nerves aren't working properly, it causes pain, numbness, pins and needles, increased sensitivity or weakness of muscles in the related part of the body. This is known as nerve root pain and can become debilitating if left untreated.

Need to know 

Nerves become trapped when they travel through narrow spaces, which causes pain. This can be due to previous traumas or even surgeries.

Symptoms might include:

  • numbness and tingling, anywhere in the body
  • weakness in the muscles supplied by the affected nerve
  • constant sharp pain or tingling
  • your skin is more or less sensitive than usual to touch

An MRI scan is the best way to diagnose nerve damage and shows the internal structure of your body.

The consultant will be able to see whether a nerve has become trapped. Electrophysiology might be useful to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment is usually surgical. The nerve is visualised and the compression removed. At times, the nerve cannot glide and the surgery is aimed at making that possible again.

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This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.