Colloid cyst


A colloid cyst can block the flow of cerebrospinal fluid through the brain's ventricular system

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What is a celloid cyst?

A celloid cyst is a benign sac, filled with viscous gel or ‘colloid’. Your central nervous system is supported and protected by a clear liquid called cerebrospinal fluid. Sometimes, a colloid cyst can develop in the brain and stop the free flow of this fluid. This, in turn, can elevate the pressure in your brain, leading to headaches and other symptoms.

Need to know

Many people with colloid cysts will experience no symptoms at all. If they do cause symptoms, it's often because the cyst is blocking the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. When this happens, your symptoms may include:

  • headaches ranging from mild to severe
  • vomiting in extreme cases
  • blackouts

In severe cases, colloid cysts can lead to sudden death.

Colloid cysts are often diagnosed incidentally during CT or MRI scans for other conditions.
If you've been diagnosed with a colloid cyst, your HCA UK consultant neurosurgeon will discuss your options and, if it requires treatment, explain how we can remove it.

The traditional method for treating a colloid cyst is a craniotomy, which involves surgically removing the cyst. Endoscopy is also used now, with less disturbance of the brain while removing the vestibule.

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This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.