Cerebral hypoxia

A brain injury, where a reduction in the amount of oxygen supplied to the brain.

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What is cerebral hypoxia?

The brain requires a constant supply of oxygen to survive. Cerebral hypoxia is a reduction in the amount of oxygen supplied to the brain. Cerebral hypoxia is caused by an injury to the brain from falls, assaults or road traffic accidents, also known as an acquired brain injury. Cerebral anoxia is when there is no oxygen supplied to the brain, and the damage can be irreversible.

Need to know

An brain injury may not always have visible signs on the head and body, symptoms of someone having suffered a brain injury include: 

  • unconsciousness (either brief or for a long period of time)
  • fits or seizures
  • problems with the senses (such as hearing loss or double vision)
  • repeated vomiting
  • blood or clear fluid coming from your ears or nose
  • memory loss
With any head injury speak with your consultant as soon as possible, in case there may have been some damage to the brain.

With minor head injuries most people will be told to rest at home. It's important for someone to stay with the you for the first 24 hours in case any new symptoms develop. It's also important to rest, avoid aggravating the injury with stressful situations, and avoid contact sports until fully recovered.

Your consultant will be able to advise of the treatment options available. At HCA UK we provide rehabilitation programmes for those who have an acquired brain injury or traumatic brain injury. Each patient and their family is at the centre of care, treatment and discharge planning.

We offer: 

  • an interdisciplinary team working on patient-centred care
  • patient-led goals setting
  • key worker as a single point of contact
  • case conferences between you, your family and hospital staff
  • education planning relating to the patient's health and plans for the future
  • discharge planning and ongoing support
  • brain surgery (neurosurgery)

We take into account any cultural and spiritual beliefs, and values and lifestyle, before creating a rehabilitation programme from which goals are made. 

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Brain injuries in babies and children

Cerebrial hypoxia in children can be the result of an accident or fall, but can also be a result of conditions in childbirth such as a pinched umbilical cord, or having underdeveloped lungs as a result of a baby being born prematurely.

Patient stories

This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.