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During pregnancy, your body has to cope with a lot of changes, which can impact many things, including your bowel health.
Constipation and diarrhoea are both common during pregnancy and a person’s bowel habits can change in any trimester. Constipation is usually as a result of hormonal changes in the body, whereas diarrhoea is more frequently due to an infection.
Hormonal changes during pregnancy mean the gut transit is slower and thus women are more prone to constipation during this time. Constipation can also occur as a result of dehydration. This is likely to occur if you’re experiencing regular bouts of morning sickness.
There are many signs of constipation; here are some of the more common ones:
There are certain things you can do to reduce constipation, such as drinking lots of water, exercising frequently and including things such as flax seeds and berry extracts into your diet. If your constipation is persistent, taking over-the-counter prescription laxatives can also help, although it’s best to check with your consultant or midwife first.
If the constipation does persist, it’s important it’s treated correctly as it can lead to vomiting, abdominal discomfort and haemorrhoids (lumps which form inside and around the anus).
If you’ve not passed a stool for more than three days, it’s best to seek medical advice. Similarly, if you have diarrhoea which lasts for more than two days then seek medical advice.
If you have diarrhoea and it contains blood, if you’re feeling faint or unable to pass urine, then it’s important you seek more urgent medical advice.