Clinical governance

Delivering care without compromise

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Ensuring exceptional care for you and your family

We want to always give you the highest possible standards of care. To do this we put ‘clinical governance’ at our core. This simply refers to the work that goes on in the background to ensure that the checks, balances and structures are in place to ensure you receive the best and safest care at all of our facilities. We constantly monitor our quality and safety and seek to continuously learn and improve our services.

HCA Healthcare has a strong track record of the highest quality and safety standards, and is held in high regard  for the professional expertise and care provided.

Unlike many private providers, we have intensive care facilities in all of our main hospitals and dedicated staff who are experts in this area. We employ our own Resident Doctors who oversee the medical care you receive around the clock. Across our six main hospital facilities in London, at any given time, there are at least 30 Resident Dr’s who specialise in intensive care, cancer care, cardiac care, children’s care, maternity services, general surgery and general medicine looking after our patients’ needs.

What’s more, in line with national guidelines, your consultant will never be more than 30 minutes away – if they are, a consultant colleague of theirs who knows about your treatment will be close by. We have specialist intensive care doctors in our hospital facilities 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This means we have the skills and facilities to look after you no matter what happens.

Learn more about our clinical governance

London Digestive Centre CQC Social Asset

Care Quality Commission

We value transparency and ensure we are fully compliant with the clinical standards and regulations that the CQC (the inspector of NHS and independent hospitals) requires. The independent national regulator of healthcare, the CQC, inspects our facilities and conducts regular checks on our services.

Of note, the CQC has rated all of our hospital facilities as ‘Outstanding’ or ‘Good’, recognising our commitment to your quality and safety when in our care.

How clinical governance works at HCA Healthcare UK

We have a rigorous quality governance framework in place to ensure that you get the highest possible standards of care which supports us in the planning, supporting and monitoring of your care. This means making sure our doctors, nurses and therapists are up-to-date with the latest medical knowledge and expertise, and that our staff work as a team to give you exceptional care tailored to your individual needs. We monitor our patients’ experiences and outcomes, and if something does go wrong, lessons are learned to prevent it from happening again.

Our clinical governance is led by a team of the UK’s leading doctors. All of these doctors choose to treat their private patients at HCA Healthcare UK hospitals because they want to give their patients the best possible care, using the latest technology. Many of them hold senior positions at some of the nation’s leading teaching hospitals, and their breadth and depth of medical knowledge and expertise is shared across our facilities.

Our commitment to quality

Clinical governance is a system of processes at a hospital which provide assurance that we have patient safety at the heart of the organisation

Mr Arjun Shankar
Consultant General Surgeon and Medical Director of The Lister Hospital

Data transparency

We firmly believe that we should be regulated in the same way as the NHS. We submit data to the national registries and audits that we are able to, and we are keen to submit to those who do not currently support submission by independent hospitals. We aim to provide you with the latest  evidence based healthcare, underpinned by excellent clinical outcomes.

Furthermore, we are working with other providers in our sector to be able to submit our data to the NHS Hospital Episodes Statistics database. This would not only allow for easier comparison of NHS and independent sector hospitals, but importantly, would mean the easier tracking of clinical outcomes for patients who receive care both in the NHS and independent sector.


Would you like to know more about HCA UK, or can't find what you're looking for? Call our team today and they will be able to guide you and assist in making an appointment.

020 3993 3788