Mr. Jagdeep Chana is a consultant plastic surgeon with expertise in breast surgery, face surgery, body contouring, and head and neck reconstructive surgery. He has a special interest in rhinoplasty and facial rejuvenative surgery. Mr. Chana graduated from London University in 1991 and trained in the London area. He holds both FRCS and FRCS(Plast) qualifications from the Royal College of Surgeons and has trained in complex facial surgery at a specialist centre in Taiwan.Mr. Chana holds a Doctorate of Medicine (MD) from London University and serves as an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Plastic Surgery at University College London. He has received numerous awards, including the Lester Heinz Prize from the British Association of Plastic Surgeons, the Frank Cort Prize in Plastic Surgery, and the Hackett Memorial Prize from the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. With over 40 papers and book chapters published in top journals in the UK and the US, he has also given numerous lectures at national and international conferences. His private practice focuses almost entirely on cosmetic surgery.