CaRi-heart technology
Revolutionary new technology to assess the risk of a serious heart condition or heart attack – many years before anything happens.
General Surgery
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Mr Colin Elton is a respected Consultant General, Colorectal and Laparoscopic Surgeon working at Barnet Hospital and Edgware Community Hospital. He has expanded his colorectal practice to perform laparoscopic and robotic resections for colorectal cancer and rectal prolapse, introducing newer haemorrhoid procedures such as haemorrhoidal artery ligation (HALO). He also runs courses in London, teaching this procedure to other consultants. His other clinical work centres around hernia repairs and he regularly performs laparoscopic repairs on adults and children.
Mr Elton has worked with NHS Barnet to set up a one-stop colorectal service based at Barnet Hospital and is the Clinical Lead for Endoscopy at Barnet and Chase Farm NHS Trust. Although his surgical workload provides a busy schedule, he is also committed to training. He has recently organised an innovative teaching programme for surgical registrars to learn hernia repairs and laparoscopic cholecystectomy and has organised courses for students and junior doctors.
It is important that HCA is transparent about our relationship with those doctors who provide us with clinical guidance on delivering the best possible care to patients and operating our hospitals safely and efficiently. We set out here some of the ways in which we work together and the amount we pay this doctor for such services.
Laparoscopic (Key-Hole) Surgery, Colorectal Surgery
General Medical Council: 3315279
205 – 209 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 5AH
The Waterfront Beaufort House Elstree Road, Elstree, WD6 3BS
St Johns Wood, London, NW8 7JA
The Wellington Diagnostic and Outpatient Centre
Roman House, 296 Golders Green Road, London, NW11 9PY
New appointment: £275
Follow-up appointment: £235
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