Mr. Martin Drage is a Consultant Transplant Surgeon. He specializes in all aspects of kidney transplant surgery, including living kidney donation, dialysis surgery, and vascular access surgery. Mr. Drage also performs complex hernia repairs in transplant recipients and general abdominal hernia repair surgery. He completed his initial surgical training in Cambridge, working for Sir Roy Calne, a pioneer of transplantation. Mr. Drage spent four years researching the immune system, tolerance, and T cell biology. He undertook further training in general surgery, kidney, liver, pancreas, and small bowel transplantation at Addenbrooke's in Cambridge. He trained in living donor kidney and liver surgery, paediatric transplantation, and is actively involved in research, particularly in manipulating the immune system to improve transplant outcomes. He is currently investigating the manipulation of the innate immune system to reduce ischaemic-reperfusion injury of transplanted organs. His expertise includes appendicectomy, bowel transplant, dialysis surgery, kidney transplant surgery, keyhole hernia repair, liver transplant, pancreas transplant, appendicitis, bowel cancer, hernia, kidney disease, and pancreatitis.