CaRi-heart technology
Revolutionary new technology to assess the risk of a serious heart condition or heart attack – many years before anything happens.
Surgery to remove the sigmoid colon
A sigmoid colectomy is performed due to cancer of the sigmoid colon or diverticular disease.
The sigmoid colon is removed and the remaining colon is sewn to the rectum. Sometimes a temporary ileostomy is created to rest the anastamosis (where the two parts of the intestine are joined back together).
Your consultant will carefully explain the procedure before your surgery. You will need to sign a consent form. The surgery can be performed via a keyhole (laparoscopic) or open incision (larger cut on the abdomen).
Your consultant will remove the diseased area of bowel and a length of normal bowel either side of it. The two ends of healthy bowel are then joined together. This is known as anastomosis. The wound to your tummy will be stitched closed.
It may also be necessary to have a temporary stoma (opening in the skin) to divert stools away from the surgical join in the bowel while it heals.
You'll stay in hospital for up to a week following surgery, depending on the rate of your recovery. It is not unusual for your bowel motion to be looser than before and for you to need to empty your bowels more frequently.
This is normal and will improve with time. It may take a few weeks for your appetite to return. Ensure you try and eat a sensible diet with plenty of fluids, fresh fruit and vegetables. You can bath and shower as normal once you are home, however, ensure that you don't rub yourself across the wound area.
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.