Orchidopexy (or orchiopexy)
Surgery to move undescended testicles to their correct position in the scrotum.
What is an undescended testicle?
In the womb, a baby boy's testicles form within his abdomen before they descend into the scrota. Sometimes one testicle, or both, will remain inside the abdomen after birth.
An orchidopexy is a surgical procedure to correct the condition and return the testicle to its normal position in the scrotum.
Need to know
This surgical procedure is usually carried out as a day case so your child should be able to go home the same day.
You'll be advised on how to care for the area around the cuts, and when your child can return to their normal routine.
In older children, it's usual to go back to school about a week after this type of procedure, and they should avoid playing sports or riding a bicycle for six weeks.
Our Orchidopexy locations
The Portland Hospital
London Bridge Hospital
The Harley Street Clinic
The Princess Grace Hospital
Patient stories
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.