CaRi-heart technology
Revolutionary new technology to assess the risk of a serious heart condition or heart attack – many years before anything happens.
A type of cosmetic keyhole surgery that lifts and tightens the area above the eyes, and improves forehead wrinkles.
As we age, the skin around our brow naturally starts to lower. A browlift can reinvigorate your face by helping to improve forehead lines, lifting droopy eyelids and tightening up skin in that area.
The endoscopic browlift is a surgical procedure that uses keyhole techniques to minimise scars.
You'll be cared for in hospital overnight. Soreness and headaches are totally normal for the first week after your procedure. To help reduce swelling - a standard part of your recovery - we recommend that you sleep upright and don't bend down for about a week.
Your forehead and scalp might also feel numb or itchy. This should only last a few weeks. Your consultant will let you know when you can get back to your usual routine but you can expect to be off work for one to two weeks.
You will need to avoid sport for at least two weeks. Any scars should be small (endoscopic browlifts are minimally invasive procedures) and hidden under your hair.
You don't need medical insurance to have fast access to our top consultants, extensive range of treatments, diagnostic tests and surgical procedures at our leading facilities.
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.