CaRi-heart technology
Revolutionary new technology to assess the risk of a serious heart condition or heart attack – many years before anything happens.
Orthopaedic Surgery
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Mr Ben Caesar is a well-known Consultant in Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgery, with a keen interest in sports injuries surgery to the shoulder and knee, and trauma surgery in both the upper and lower limb.
He completed his medical degree from the Imperial College School of Medicine and started his surgical training in Edinburgh. Mr Caesar underwent his specialised orthopaedic training on the highly regarded Oswestry training programme. He was also a part of the Scottish Orthopaedic Research Trust into Trauma (SORT-IT) in Edinburgh. Additionally, he has completed Fellowship training in upper limb, knee, and trauma surgery.
Mr Caesar served as a team doctor for the Scottish Rugby Union from 2002-2012 and is currently a Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon within the Royal Army Medical Corps. He has been deployed four times in the past decade to various conflicts, including the evacuation of Kabul. He has several peer-reviewed papers to his credit, written chapters for medical textbooks, and has presented at National and International meetings.
Knee Surgery, Shoulder & Elbow Surgery, Sports Injury, Trauma Surgery
MD, FRCS Ed (Tr and Orth), FRCS, MFSEM (UK)
General Medical Council: 4548720
New appointment: £300
Follow-up appointment: £220
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