CaRi-heart technology
Revolutionary new technology to assess the risk of a serious heart condition or heart attack – many years before anything happens.
General Surgery
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Alastair Windsor trained at St Mary’s Hospital in London. Having spent three years in research at the Medical College of Virginia, USA, he returned as Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Surgeon to the Academic Surgical Unit at St James’ University Hospital, Leeds.
He has now moved to join the staff as Consultant Surgeon to University College Hospital London, and Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University College London.
He is considered a leader in the field of colorectal surgery and has a national and international reputation for his clinical practice. He has a particular focus and expertise in inflammatory bowel disease as well as managing complex abdominal wall hernias. He also maintains a busy clinical practice in the broader aspects of colorectal surgery including minimal access surgery or key hole surgery, endoscopy, colorectal cancer, diverticular disease and proctology (haemorrhoids, fistula, fissure etc).
Mr Windsor was included in the Daily Mail's list of top doctors, for his expertise in inflammatory bowel disease. He was also included in Tatler's list of best private doctors.
Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments
colorectal surgery
Inflammatory bowel disease
Colorectal cancer
Proctology (haemorrhoids, fissure, fistula)
Abdominal wall hernias
Minimal access surgery (Key hole)
It is important that HCA is transparent about our relationship with those doctors who provide us with clinical guidance on delivering the best possible care to patients and operating our hospitals safely and efficiently. We set out here some of the ways in which we work together and the amount we pay this doctor for such services.
Colorectal Surgery, Laparoscopic (Key-Hole) Surgery
MBBS MD FRCS(Lon, Ed, Glas)
General Medical Council: 3191945
42-52 Nottingham Place, London, W1U 5NY
New appointment: £330
Follow-up appointment: £250
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