Nagi Barakat is a consultant paediatrician with expertise in neurology since 2000. He has a special interest in medical education and has published eight books to help candidates prepare for MRCPCH exams run by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH). He served as the director of clinical Pastest courses for nine years and is now the director of paediatric courses run by Index Paediatrics Ltd. In 2011, he also served as the Minister of Health in Libya.Nagi Barakat currently works in four different private hospitals, where he sees children with general paediatrics and neurological problems. His areas of expertise include paediatric neurology, epilepsy, neurodisability, and developmental delay. He is particularly interested in seeing children with epilepsy, general neurological problems, and neurodevelopmental issues. He is also experienced in performing various diagnostic tests such as standard, 4-hour, and 24-hour EEGs, as well as home 24-hour video telemetry EEGs and MRI scans under general anaesthesia. His clinical practice covers general paediatrics, paediatric neurology, epilepsy, neurodevelopmental problems, headaches, and abnormal movements.