Dr. Dawn Carnell specialises in Consultant Clinical Oncologist. She is the Clinical Lead for lung cancer and Lead Consultant Clinical Oncologist for head and neck cancer. Dr. Carnell trained at the Royal Free in London and after completing her MRCP, she undertook oncology training at the Royal Marsden and Middlesex/University College Hospitals. Dr. Carnell's formal research was at Mount Vernon, where she looked at hypoxia (low oxygen levels) in cancer and how this could be mapped histologically and using Blood Oxygen Level Dependent Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The future role for this would be to direct radiation boosts to radio-resistant hypoxic regions in cancer and to identify hypoxic tumours for specific treatments aimed at hypoxic cancer cells, resulting in improved cure rates. She is also the principal investigator for the PET-NECK trial looking at the role of early PET scanning to direct post-radiation surgery and is involved in other research on the utility of respiratory gating in lung cancer. Other clinical interests include general ENT and Maxillofacial and in particular sinus cancer and therapies such as Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy, concurrent chemoradiation protocols, and the use of molecular targeted treatments. She also has a particular interest in sinus tumours. Dr. Carnell also teaches and is one of the Lead Clinicians for Medical Student Teaching (the Head and Neck/Lung and CNS group) and contributes regularly to registrar teaching within oncology and ENT. Her areas of expertise include radiotherapy, chemotherapy, head and neck cancers, lung cancer, and nasal and sinus cancer.