Dr. Kilcommons is a Chartered and Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Cognitive Analytic Therapist, accredited Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, Voice Dialogue Facilitator, and Brainspotting Therapist with over 25 years of experience. Her clinical experience spans community and inpatient mental health, substance misuse, physical health, forensic inpatient, and performance environments. Dr. Kilcommons has published research in peer-reviewed journals on stress, trauma, psychosis, PTSD, early prevention and intervention, risk management, and learning disabilities. She has also supervised individuals and multidisciplinary teams and has presented her work at national conferences. She is a graduate of the University of Manchester and has additional qualifications and extensive psychology training. Her expertise includes cognitive analytic therapy (CAT), cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), mindfulness-focused techniques, compassion-focused therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, brainspotting, mental resilience and performance training, personal development/growth, stress, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, trauma/complex trauma, musculoskeletal rehabilitation, low self-esteem, addiction, and personality/relationship issues.