Paediatric fractures

Fractures in children and teenagers

If your child has fractured a limb, our orthopaedic and paediatric experts can help diagnose and treat them

About fractures in children

Fractures (broken bones) can be very common in children. Their bones are softer and not as fully formed as adults. As a result, there are a number of different types of fracture a child may have. Our paediatric orthopaedics can identify your child's injury and treat them accordingly.

Need to know

  • What are the symptoms of a paediatric fracture? icon plus

    Symptoms your child may show if they have fractured a bone include:

    • if a limb, wrist or finger is clearly not in normal alignment
    • severe bruising/swelling around possible fracture area
    • ongoing pain in the above areas
  • How is a fracture diagnosed in children? icon plus

    Your child's consultant will discuss their symptoms with you to help make a diagnosis. They will firstly carry out a physical examination. An X-ray will then help determine whether or not a fracture has taken place.
  • Potential treatment options icon plus

    Your child's consultant will discuss their treatment options with you. 

    • Closed reduction; a non-surgical procedure to reset the bone.
    • For a finger fracture, after closed reduction a temporary splint or 'buddy' can then hold the bone in place.
    • After closed reduction for a fracture of the arm or wrist, a plaster cast will protect and help the injury heal.
    • In some cases surgery may be required. This is known as internal fixation. The use of pins, screws or a metal plate might be inserted to keep the bone in place whilst it heals.

Types of fractures in children

Buckle fracture

The bone bends slightly rather than a full break

Greenstick fracture

The bone breaks on one side only

Avulsion fracture

Chipped bone pulled away by a tendon or ligament

Growth plate

Fractures that take place wherever one bone joins another

Spiral fracture

An injury that occurs from twisting limbs

Our paediatric orthopaedic consultants

We're proud to work with leading orthopaedic experts specialising in treating children, whose skills are matched by their integrity and compassion.

Our locations

From complex orthopaedic surgery to diagnostic tests and procedures, we provide exceptional paediatric orthopaedic care across our network of hospitals, outpatient centres and specialist clinics.

Book an appointment

Our team can help with any enquiries or you can make an appointment with one of our experienced consultants.

Call us today

020 7079 4344
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.
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