Georgia's story and her scoliosis journey

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Georgia Gale, a 12-year-old girl from Bath and patient at The Portland Hospital, has raised an incredible £6,000 (and counting!) for scoliosis charities by drumming for 10 hours straight on Scoliosis Awareness Day.

Despite the challenges she faces, Georgia has not let scoliosis stop her from pursuing her passion for drumming. Georgia decided to do a Drumathon for Scoliosis UK and The British Scoliosis Research Foundation to raise awareness and funds for research and support for people with scoliosis. "I know that the money will be hugely appreciated by these scoliosis charities”, she said “there is so much we don't know about scoliosis treatment, like new surgeries and back braces, how to prevent it and where it comes from.”

Georgia made this video during her Drumathon for nurse Holly Veness, Staff Nurse at The Portland Hospital, who shared her favourite band the Arctic Monkeys, and made her feel reassured before the surgery. Turn it up at 30 seconds to hear Georgia's great drumming skills!

Her mother Helen said: “Georgia is an inspiration to us all. She’s shown amazing perspective and strength throughout all of this but what makes me most proud is that whilst going through her own significant challenges, she’s stopped to think of others. We are hugely grateful for all of the donations and hope that this will create more awareness of what is a relatively common condition.”

Donate to Georgia’s Drumathon by visiting her JustGiving page

At The Portland Scoliosis and Spinal Surgery Centre, we take great pride in being the only dedicated paediatric and young adult private spinal and scoliosis unit in the UK.

Based at The Portland Hospital, part of HCA Healthcare UK, our surgeons are supported by an expert multidisciplinary team of paediatricians, specialist spinal nurses, physiotherapists, anaesthetists, orthotists and play therapy specialists. Together they offer integrated surgical and non-surgical care for young patients experiencing the full range of spinal problems, spanning from recurring sports and trauma injuries, congenital and developmental scoliosis, and all other paediatric spinal pathologies.

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This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.