The benefits of a ‘One Stop’ Gynaecology Clinic

Here, Consultant Gynaecologist Mr Osama Naji, of The Harley Street Clinic’s Gynaecology Clinic outlines the benefits of the ‘One Stop’ service that’s available to patients and how he works with the wider multidisciplinary team to ensure patients receive rapid access diagnostic tests and cutting-edge treatments.

What are the benefits of a One Stop Clinic?

Common symptoms of gynaecological conditions, including abnormal vaginal bleeding, heavy periods, lower abdominal pain and a frequent or urgent need to urinate can be stressful and hinder patients’ ability to go about their daily life.

The Harley Street Clinic’s One-Stop Gynaecology Clinic offers no waiting times for appointments, so our patients can quickly get the answers they need. Instead of having to book diagnostic tests or scans at a later date and make multiple trips into hospital, they can access a range of services within one location and often within a single visit.

After scans are reviewed, the multidisciplinary team work with each patient to put together a treatment plan that’s tailored to their symptoms and needs. This efficiency is not only of benefit to patients who will be anxious for a diagnosis, but in managing conditions such as gynaecological cancers which generally respond much better to treatment when caught early.

What scans or tests are available?

After an initial consultation, your Consultant will be able to advise you on whether further tests and scans are needed, how to prepare for them and what to expect. 

The most common scans used in the diagnosis of gynaecological conditions is an ultrasound or an MRI scan. Depending on your condition or symptoms, you may also require a colposcopy, a detailed examination of the cervix, or a hysteroscopy, which examines the lining of the uterus. If tests do discover any abnormalities, a small sample of cells can be taken at the same time and sent to the lab to be examined under the microscope, so to rule out or confirm the existence of cancer cells. 

What treatments are available within the One Stop Gynaecology Clinic?

Myself and my colleagues treat a both common and complex gynaecological conditions, such as cysts, polyps, endometriosis, congenital conditions and symptoms related to menopause. We also regularly treat gynaecological cancers, including ovarian, uterine, cervical and vaginal cancer.

Some minor treatments, including coil insertion, removal and replacement can be available on the same day as your consultation. Other conditions can also be treated medically to avoid the need for an invasive procedure.

For other, more complex conditions and cancers, myself and the other Consultants will work closely with you to determine the most appropriate and effective treatment option for you, including chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy or surgery - all of which are available The Harley Street Clinic

What support is available to me at a One Stop Clinic?

Gynaecological conditions can be life-changing, which is why we make sure that patients needing access to specialist complex care can do so quickly and safely, with emotional support along the way.

I work as part of a multidisciplinary team that relies on the expertise of other Gynaecologists, Urologists, Oncologists and Surgeons and we also have Clinical Nurse Specialists, psychologists, physiotherapists and nutritionists to provide guidance and support throughout diagnosis and treatment.

More information about The Harley Street Clinic’s One-Stop Gynaecology Clinic

More information about Mr Osama Naji

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