Computerised posturography test (CPT)

A Piece of Equipment to simulate balance

HCA UK uses the best in computerised posturography testing to assess balance and guide recovery

What is a computerised posturography test?

A computerised dynamic posturography (CDP) test is designed to show problems with balance.

At HCA UK, we use the SMART EquiTest System  the gold standard in balance assessment.

You'll be asked to maintain your balance on a moving platform, while the CDP works out how your eyes, inner ear, muscles and joints work to keep you upright. It can also be used to guide your balance, for neurological injuries and for vestibular treatment, following a problem with your inner ear. 

Need to know

  • What happens during the assessment? icon plus

    You will be asked to step onto a platform, where you'll be fitted with a safety harness. The platform will start to move and sensors on the platform will measure how well you keep your balance.

    You may need to undergo a number of tests. Some may be conducted with your eyes open and closed and others may replicate conditions you face every day. A specialist balance physiotherapist will be with you throughout the test. 
  • How to prepare icon plus

    No preparation is needed for this test.
  • After the test icon plus

    The balance physiotherapist will analyse the data from the CDP. They will determine whether your eyes, joint and muscles or inner ear are responsible for your balance problems. Your physiotherapist will use this information, plus additional assessments, to devise a specialised rehabilitation programme.

Our balance teams

Your consultant will assess and diagnose your condition. You may then be referred for further balance tests and rehabilitation.

Our team of therapists who specialise in balance and dizziness will use the posturography machine to assess your balance, triggers for dizziness and your frequency of dizziness.

Our locations

From complex ENT surgery to diagnostic test and minor procedures, we provide exceptional care across our network of hospitals, outpatient centres and specialist clinics.

Private computerised posturography testing in Birmingham

Private computerised posturography testing in Manchester

Book an appointment

Our team can help with any enquiries or you can make an appointment with one of our experienced consultants.

Call us today

020 7079 4344
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.
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