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    Douglas Robinson graduated with first class honours from Cambridge and St Thomas" Hospital in 1984 and after general medical training in and around London, specialised in Respiratory and General Medicine at the Royal Brompton and Royal Free Hospitals.

    His MD research degree was in the immunology of asthma and allergy, and in 1994 he took up an academic post at the National Heart and Lung Institute with Professor Barry Kay and Stephen Durham, and was Head of Allergy at St Mary"s Hospital and later developed and co-directed the severe asthma service at the Royal Brompton Hospital. From 2005 he has been Professor of Respiratory Medicine at Imperial College London and has authored over 100 research articles on asthma and allergy.

    He is an international expert on the immunology of asthma and allergy and difficult to treat asthma. After 5 years in Industry (with an immunotherapy company in Europe), he returned to clinical practice as Consultant in Allergy at the Royal Throat Nose and Ear Hospital (UCLH Trust), London.

    He is an Associate Editor of Allergy, the journal of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (the leading European Allergy journal) and is a past committee member and meetings organiser for the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology, the British Society for Immunology, and the British Thoracic Society.

    His special interests are severe asthma and respiratory and general allergy (rhinitis, food allergy, skin allergy, anaphylaxis and drug allergy). He can help with diagnosis of allergic disease, and specialist treatments such as immunotherapy (desensitisation) or anti-IgE therapy. He can also advise on nasal symptoms, where a medical rhinology opinion can often avoid the need for surgical intervention. He works closely with ENT, dermatology, immunology and gastroenterology colleagues.

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